The Stories of
Extraordinary Exits

How we help make Extraordinary Exits possible for entrepreneurial business owners.

  • 5 people on meeting in the office
    Posted in: Case Study

    Assess strategic value drivers before and after a planned roll up and entertain multiple offers without granting exclusivity

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    Posted in: Case Study

    Identify strategic buyers, but also engage with private equity investors.

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    Posted in: Case Study

    Research the strategic imperatives of your potential buyers.

    Following the death of the founder of this private bank based in the Caribbean, there were many private equity and legal entities chasing the widow and family to take over the business. The son (who was active in the business) wanted to divest to a strategic buyer who understood the value of licenses the bank owned in its jurisdiction, and could add value to the overall business and expand it internationally.
  • Case Study 01 min
    Posted in: Case Study

    Consider positioning as a value-add services business that would appeal to buyers outside your industry

    Our client had grown his privately owned, business services company over a 15-year period and, with many years of consistent double-digit growth, it was an optimum time to sell to a strategic buyer in the market. His goal was to sell the business to a company that would recognize the significant market value, provide capital to accelerate growth, and leverage his experienced team and technology infrastructure.

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