Following a successful series of events recently hosted in San Juan, Founder & Chairman Rob Follows and CEO Sean Friday warmly welcomed Puerto Rican private business owners and esteemed advisors. The various events strengthened our expansion by introducing STS’s unique Selling to Strategics™ concept to help bring maximum value to Puerto Rican business owners, exploring potential opportunities, and imparting deeper insights into the organization’s global impact.
During our events, Rob and Sean were joined by Managing Directors John Kirkpatrick and Puerto Rican-born Troy Wright. Before becoming Managing Directors, they were entrepreneurs first and previous operators of their own businesses. Following the successful sales of their respective businesses, they joined STS to help other business leaders achieve their own Extraordinary Exits. This empathetic approach differentiates STS from other M&A firms and allows our team to become the expert guides, seeing business owners through the strategic process to an Extraordinary Exit.
CEO Sean Friday reflected on the Puerto Rican expansion, “Our presence in Puerto Rico brings an exciting chapter where our global network and proven deal process will unlock maximum value for local business owners.”